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What happens to the gratuity amount if the employee leaves a company before 4 years and 240 days?

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What happens to the gratuity amount if the employee leaves a company before 4 years and 240 days?
posted Mar 22, 2018 by Anita Yadav

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1 Answer

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As per norms, gratuity is payable only after completion of 4 years and 8 months.

But usually, organizations mandate it to 5 years, anyone leaving the organization before that is not eligible for the gratuity. And as it is as per Act you won’t be able to challenge the same. But If a Person leaves organization due to the health issue. Then there is no mandated time period is mentioned. That is if the person is unfit to work or suppose a person is no more then the above time period doe not apply.

answer Mar 23, 2018 by Naveen Kumar
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The total project cost is INR 30,000 and it will be executed in 3 phases(10K for each phase). The first phase is completed, I have paid 10,000 + GST (18%) i.e. 1800 for this phase. Then, the company is asking for the whole GST amount although the project is not completed yet, only first phase is done. They are saying that they would need to pay the whole GST amount to Govt. in the beginning.
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I don’t have any idea about GST, but as per common sense I think they are bluffing. How could they would need to pay taxes for the amount which is not received at their bank account?
