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What are the mandatory disclosers that a company needs to make to the market regulator?

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What are the mandatory disclosers that a company needs to make to the market regulator?
posted Jul 17, 2017 by Aayushi Bansal

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The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), on September 2, 2015, issued SEBI (Listing and Disclosure) Regulations, 2015 (hereinafter referred to as 'Regulations') on listing of different segments of the capital market and disclosure norms in relation thereto. These regulations have been structured into one single document consolidating various types of securities listed on the stock exchanges.

The latest set of norms provides broad principles for periodic disclosures by listed entities, apart from incorporating corporate governance principles.

These regulations shall apply to the listed entity who has listed any of the following designated securities on recognized stock exchange(s):

  • Specified securities listed on main board or SME Exchange or Institutional trading platform;
  • Non-convertible debt securities, non-convertible redeemable preference Shares, perpetual debt instrument, perpetual non-
  • cumulative preference Shares;
  • Indian depository receipts;
  • Securitized debt instruments;
  • Units issued by mutual funds;
  • Any other securities as may be specified by the Board.
answer Jul 18, 2017 by Babita Thawani