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What are the biggest problems startups face while recruiting?

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What are the biggest problems startups face while recruiting?
posted Feb 20, 2018 by Niharika Singh

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When building the perfect team, the single most important thing is to bring the right people.

Bringing the right people is not easy and it requires a well planned long-term strategy. Finding the right job candidates I some of the biggest challenges recruiters face today, but there are many innovative solutions to these challenges.

Using recruitment marketing methods such as Employer Branding and Inbound Recruiting are great ways for communicating your culture and EVP and attract the best talent with the perfect match for your company.

Without communicating your Employer Brand, people won’t know how is it to work for you, and you will get a lot of applicants who are not a good match at all.

This results in high turnover, poor candidate experience, and engagement.

Using Recruitment Marketing platform such as TalentLyft makes this process easier, more streamlined and extremely productive. There are many different channels from which you can do Employer Branding, but with a tool like this, you can do it all from one place.

answer Feb 21, 2018 by Amrita