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What is covered interest arbitrage and uncovered interest arbitrage?

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What is covered interest arbitrage and uncovered interest arbitrage?
posted Jul 10, 2017 by Niharika Singh

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Covered interest arbitrage is a strategy in which an investor uses a forward contract to hedge against exchange rate risk. Covered interest rate arbitrageis the practice of using favorable interest rate differentials to invest in a higher-yielding currency, and hedging the exchange risk through a forward currency contract.

Uncovered Interest Arbitrage:- A form of arbitrage that involves switching from a domestic currency that carries a lower interest rate to a foreign currency that offers a higher rate of interest on deposits. There is a foreign exchange risk implicit in this transaction since the investor or speculator will need to convert the foreign currency deposit proceeds back into the domestic currency some time in the future. The term "uncovered" in this arbitrage refers to the fact that this foreign exchange risk is not covered through a forward or futures contract.

answer Jul 11, 2017 by Sagar Sharma