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What is the difference between an On the Run security and an Off the run security?

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What is the difference between an On the Run security and an Off the run security?
posted Jul 10, 2017 by Niharika Singh

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1 Answer

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On-the-run Treasuries are the most recently issued U.S. Treasury bonds or notes of a particular maturity. "On-the-run" Treasuries are the opposite of "off-the-run" Treasuries, which refer to Treasury securities that have been issued before the most recent issue and are still outstanding. Media mentions about Treasury yields and prices generally reference "on-the-run" Treasuries.

Off-the-run treasuries are all Treasury bonds and notes issued before the most recently issued bond or note of a particular maturity. These are the opposite of "on-the-run treasuries."

answer Jul 11, 2017 by Sagar Sharma